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Blue Raspberry Mood Gummies are HERE!

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CBD for Dogs: 4 Ways to Elevate Their Summer Adventures

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    Ah, summer. The season of sizzling barbecues, sunny beach trips, and bounding through the spray of garden hoses. But wait, aren’t we forgetting someone? Yes, your furry friends are ready to leap into the summer fun too! But amidst all the doggie paddle sessions and Frisbee fetches, how do we ensure our four-legged companions stay their happiest, healthiest selves? Well, just as you reach for that refreshing glass of lemonade, we might have the perfect summer supplement for your pooch – CBD!

    You heard it right. CBD, or cannabidiol, has been making quite a splash in the world of pet wellness. But before you raise a skeptical eyebrow, let’s assure you, we’re not trying to turn your precious pup into a ‘pot hound’. Instead, we’re about to dive into the doggie paddle-friendly benefits of CBD that might just make your canine’s summer adventures even better!

    So leash up and get ready to embark on this enlightening stroll through the park of knowledge. By the end, you might just find that CBD could be the pawfect addition to your dog’s summer routine.

    Understanding CBD for Dogs

    When you hear CBD, your mind may immediately jump to images of tie-dyed shirts and psychedelic art. But let’s “paws” those misconceptions and clear the air. CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a compound found in hemp plants. It’s non-psychoactive, meaning it won’t give your pooch a case of the “giggles.” And guess what? Science is wagging its tail with interest over its potential benefits for our four-legged pals.

    A study published in Frontiers in Veterinary Science observed that CBD might help increase comfort and activity in dogs with certain conditions (3). But before you rush to grab the nearest CBD dog treat, take a moment. It’s essential to ensure the CBD product you choose is of high-quality, formulated specifically for pets, and ideally, has undergone third-party testing.

    But enough about the basics, let’s “retrieve” the ways CBD can enhance your dog’s summer adventures, shall we? But always remember, as promising as CBD might seem, it’s essential to have a chat with your vet before incorporating it into your pet’s routine. After all, we’re aiming for tail wags and healthy dogs, not risky business.

    image of a dog sticking their head out of the car window for the blog about CBD for Dogs: Elevating Their Summer Adventures in 4 Beneficial Ways

    1. Easing Travel Stress with CBD

    Ah, summer. It’s time for road trips, weekend getaways, and maybe even that long-awaited visit to Grandma’s house. But if your pooch starts shaking like a leaf at the mere sight of a suitcase, don’t fret, CBD might be able to lend a helping paw.

    Anxiety, especially travel-related, is common in dogs. A sudden change in their environment or routine, like a road trip, can trigger stress and anxious behavior. Here’s where CBD steps in. CBD is believed to interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which plays a key role in maintaining emotional balance. A study in humans observed that CBD can potentially affect how the brain responds to stress, which might hold true for our canine companions too (1).

    While research on CBD’s effects on dog stress is still in its infancy, many pet owners have reported positive changes. CBD might help turn your dog’s travel experience from ‘tail-tucked-between-the-legs’ terror to ‘head-out-the-window’ joy. And that’s a summer memory worth capturing!

    However, remember that every dog responds differently to CBD. It’s crucial to start with a low dose and monitor your pet’s reaction. And, as always, consult with your vet before starting any new regimen. Who knows? CBD might just be the travel buddy your furry friend has been dreaming of!

    2. CBD for Heat-Induced Skin Irritations

    The summer sun is great for fetch in the park, but not so much for your dog’s skin. Hot weather can lead to dry skin, and pesky critters can cause irritations that make your pet itchier than a flea circus. But have no fear, CBD is here!

    CBD is known for its potential tension soothing properties, and that can be a real game-changer for your pooch’s summer skin woes. A review of research suggests that CBD may reduce discomfort and help alleviate related symptoms (4). While this study wasn’t focused on dogs, the general properties of CBD can still apply.

    Think of CBD as a soothing summer rain for your dog’s irritated skin – it could help ease discomfort and provide much-needed relief. However, it’s not a magic potion, and serious skin issues should always be checked out by a vet.

    Remember, when choosing a CBD product for skin use, go for a topical CBD product like balms or creams. These are designed to be applied directly to your dog’s skin, providing targeted relief right where it’s needed. Just like sunscreen for humans, consider CBD as a tool in your summer arsenal to keep your furry friend comfortable and ready to roll.

    As always, before trying new treatments, have a chat with your vet about integrating CBD into your pet’s skincare routine. Your pooch’s summer glow might just be a dollop of CBD away!

    Extract Labs Tip:

    Add drops of our Fetch CBD Oil to your drogs shampoo or conditioner for extra wellness.

    image of a man camping with his dog in the forest for the blog about CBD for Dogs: Elevating Their Summer Adventures in 4 Beneficial Ways

    3. CBD for Post-Adventure Recovery

    What goes up must come down, right? After a long day of summer romps and adventures, your pooch might be feeling a little more “woofed” than usual. Whether it’s joint stiffness from that epic mountain hike or muscle tenderness from hours of frisbee fetch, CBD could be just what your weary adventure hound needs.

    Thanks to its potential soothing properties, CBD might assist in post-adventure recovery, helping your dog bounce back faster from their exertions. A study published in the European Journal of Pain observed that CBD could potentially help manage discomfort and tension in rats (2). Although it was not a dog-specific study, the discomfort and tension soothing benefits of CBD could extend to our furry friends.

    Imagine it as a post-workout smoothie for your dog, helping soothe those tired muscles and joints and get them ready for the next day of summer fun. But remember, CBD is not a cure-all and shouldn’t replace a balanced diet and regular veterinary care.

    So, before you embark on your next adventure, consider packing a little extra CBD alongside the doggie treats. With your vet’s approval, of course! Your faithful companion might just thank you with an extra wag of their tail!

    4. Maintaining Overall Well-being with CBD

    Sunshine and adventure aside, summer can bring about a few challenges for our canine companions. High temperatures can mess with their appetite, and who could forget those startling thunderstorms and firework displays that send our dogs scurrying under the bed? But fear not, CBD might just be the ‘cooling shade’ your pooch needs.

    CBD may play a role in maintaining overall well-being in dogs. For instance, if the summer heat is making your doggie’s appetite ‘play dead,’ CBD might just help ‘fetch’ it back. Studies have observed that CBD can influence the endocannabinoid system, which is involved in controlling appetite (5).

    And what about those dreaded summer storms and fireworks? We all know how stressful they can be for our furry friends. CBD, with its potential calming properties, might be just what your dog needs to weather the storm.

    So, while you’re keeping your pooch hydrated and protecting their paws from hot pavements, consider adding CBD to their summer routine for that extra ‘woof’ of wellness. But don’t forget, these are supplements, not substitutes. Regular vet check-ups, a healthy diet, and lots of love remain paramount to your dog’s well-being. And as always, before making any changes to your pet’s routine, it’s a great idea to consult with your vet.

    Go Fetch A Good Boy Summer

    Well, fellow pet parents, we’ve come to the end of our sun-soaked journey through the dog park of CBD knowledge. From easing travel stress to soothing summer skin woes, aiding post-adventure recovery, and even providing a bit of calm during those noisy summer nights, CBD could indeed be a worthy addition to your dog’s summer adventure kit.

    Just picture it: your pup, bounding with ease after a long day of play, their coat shiny, their appetite hearty, and their demeanor calm even when the fireworks light up the night sky. Quite the fetching image, isn’t it?

    But as we pack away our picnic blankets and Frisbees, let’s not forget our most crucial takeaway: CBD is a supplement, not a substitute. It’s a potential companion to a balanced diet, regular vet check-ups, and a whole lot of love. And like all changes to your pet’s routine, your vet should always be in the loop.

    So, as the sun sets on our enlightening journey, why not consider if CBD might be the ‘tail-wagging’ addition to your dog’s summer adventures? Remember, a happy dog means a happy dog parent, and that’s what we’re all about!

    CBD and Dogs | 5 Homemade CBD Treats For Pets

    5 homemade cbd treats for pets | cbd for dogs | cbd treats for dogs
    CBD Recipes

    5 Homemade CBD Treats For Pets

    Get ready to show your furry friends some love! Whether it's for a special treat or a way to promote relaxation, CBD treats for pets are tasty treats!
    Read More →

    Works Cited
    1. Blessing, Esther M., et al. “Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders.” NCBI, 2015, Accessed 20 June 2023.
    2. Esposito, C., et al. “Cannabidiol in vivo blunts β-amyloid induced neuroinflammation by suppressing IL-1β and iNOS expression.” NCBI, 2007, Accessed 20 June 2023.
    3. Gamble, Lauri-Jo, et al. “Pharmacokinetics, Safety, and Clinical Efficacy of Cannabidiol Treatment in Osteoarthritic Dogs.” Frontiers, 2 July 2018, Accessed 20 June 2023.
    4. Nagarkatti, Prakash, et al. “Cannabinoids as novel anti-inflammatory drugs – PMC.” NCBI, 2009, Accessed 20 June 2023.
    5. Wallace, Meredith L., et al. “Variable Selection for Skewed Model-Based Clustering: Application to the Identification of Novel Sleep Phenotypes.” NCBI, 16 May 2018, Accessed 20 June 2023.

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    Craig Henderson CEO of Extract Labs head shot
    CEO | Craig Henderson

    Extract Labs CEO Craig Henderson is one of the country’s top experts in cannabis CO2 extraction. After serving in the U.S. Army, Henderson received his master’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisville before becoming a sales engineer at one of the nation’s leading extraction technology companies. Sensing an opportunity, Henderson began extracting CBD in his garage in 2016, putting him at the forefront of the hemp movement. He’s been featured in Rolling StoneMilitary TimesThe Today Show, High Times, the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies, and many more. 

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    Owning and operating every aspect of the manufacturing process from plant to product sets us apart from other CBD companies. We’re not only a brand, we’re also a full scale processor of hemp products shipping worldwide from Lafayette Colorado USA.

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