What is CBD and hemp oil?
CBD is cannabidiol and one of the many compounds of the marijuana plant. CBD is made from the flowers, leaves, and stalks, whereas, hemp oil is made from the seeds.
What are the benefits of using CBD oil?
Research still needs to be done to solidify the benefits of CBD oil; however, there is research that it can help with relief, immune support, sleep, cognitive functioning, and more!
Does CBD get you high?
CBD and hemp oil may contain traces of THC (up to 0.3%), which doesn't carry any psychoactive effects. If looking for CBD to make you high, anything with higher THC content should carry those psychoactive effects.
I’ve been hearing a lot about CBD and hemp oil used for pain relief and muscle recovery, naturally because of my involvement in the fitness industry. Since the increased acceptance and legalization of marijuana (in some states), there has been not only augmented research, but general awareness of the benefits of not only Marijuana but the individual cannabinoids. So, where do we start…