A number of factors should be taken into account when attempting to answer the question: how long does CBD and its effects last? Of course, the single most important variable being that everybody(body) is unique, and only through personal experimentation can one best determine this answer.
3 Factors to Consider
- CBD Dose
- CBD Product
- Experience with Cannabis
CBD Dose
Of all the variables contributing to how long the effects of CBD last, perhaps the greatest determining factor is the amount one takes. Now to be clear, this is not a directly proportional equation where by taking more the effects last longer. Rather, that by taking a higher dose, more CBD is in your system for a longer period of time.
Keep in mind that there is a threshold your body can absorb. Just like taking a vitamin or supplement, taking more than you can absorb just leads to waisted product and more for your body to process.
How much is too much?
As the late great sage, Jerry Garcia, has sung many times before, “that path is for, your steps alone.” Ripple in still… up sorry, where was I… oh yes… While this is something that each of us has to figure out on our own, we do offer recommendations that at least will provide a starting point in your own experimentation.
Our CBD Dosing Recommendations
We recommend one or two full droppers a day of either our regular or extra strength tincture. If you take two, try spreading them out, so, one in the morning and another in the evening. While this is quite a range, anywhere from 33mg/day to 132mg/day, there are other reasons that factor in to how much you should take and how long the effects of CBD will last.
CBD Product
Each CBD product can represent a unique way of ingesting CBD, which will yield a different result. Below is a list of products we carry listed in order of how long they take to kick in, and how long the effects seem to linger. This information is based on consensus derived from personal experiences of employees and our customers. The consensus is that the faster acting, the shorter lasting.
- CBD Softgels: Our softgels contain 33mg of CBD each, which is identical to a full dropper of our regular strength tincture. Because it is a capsule that must be swallowed, it takes time to digest before it can be absorbed. Therefore, this is the slowest acting and longest lasting method.
- CBD Tincture: If held under the tongue for 90 seconds can absorb into the bloodstream more effectively than an edible or swallowing it immediately.
- CBD shatter / CBD Crumble / CBD Vapes: Whether you are dabbing a concentrate or vaping a cart, these methods are inhalable forms of ingesting CBD and therefore represent the fastest acting and shortest lasting ways of taking CBD.
Experience with Cannabis
Another thing to consider when it comes to how long CBD effects last, is your personal experience with cannabis. If you regularly use marijuana or CBD, you may already have it in your system, and many believe you may even have built up a tolerance to its effects.
This is in fact why sometimes people choose to use CBD in the first place – as it offers a break from THC while still benefitting from other plant compounds.,
Final Thoughts
How long the effects of CBD last has a lot to do with how much you take, what type of product you use, and your personal experience with cannabis. As always, you are in charge of your health and know your body better than anyone else. So trust your experience, and be your own guide.
Related post: When is the Best Time to Take CBD?