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Blue Raspberry Mood Gummies are HERE!

The Newest Flavor to our Delta 9 Lineup.

An image of hemp leaves growing in nature with light streaming through. Hero image for Blog: Hemp Uses: 6+ Ways Hemp Contributes to Sustainable Living

Hemp Uses: 6+ Ways Hemp Contributes to Sustainable Living

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    Often overlooked in discussions of sustainability, hemp is a remarkably versatile plant that holds the key to numerous eco-friendly solutions. There are many hemp uses; this powerhouse plant can be transformed into everything from nutritious foods to innovative building materials, contributing significantly to environmental health. Utilizing every part—from the seeds to the stalks—hemp offers durable, eco-friendly products that make adopting sustainable living practices an accessible choice for everyone. As we explore the many uses of hemp, it becomes clear just how impactful this plant can be in fostering a greener, more sustainable world.

    Isn’t Hemp Just CBD?

    Hemp, a variant of the Cannabis sativa plant species, is cultivated specifically for its high CBD and low THC content, distinguishing it from its cousin, marijuana. Legal across all fifty states and many other regions worldwide, hemp is predominantly used to produce CBD extracts for products like oils, topicals, and edibles. Opting for hemp-derived lab-tested CBD can provide a holistic approach to supplementation, helping to alleviate stress, discomfort, improve sleep, and more, without reliance on pharmaceutical drugs.

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    What is Hemp Used For?

    A chart of many potential uses of hemp and how each part of the hemp plant can be used for different things. Hemp Uses: 6+ Ways Hemp Contributes to Sustainable Living

    Nutritional and Practical Hemp Benefits: Hemp Milk and Hemp Clothing

    The hemp plant itself offers a diverse array of sustainable options for everyday living. Both hemp milk and hemp clothing stand out as top sustainable choices. Hemp milk serves as a delightful alternative to dairy and other plant-based milk, enriched with essential Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, protein, and vital nutrients. Among all milk alternatives, hemp milk is believed to be the best environmentally and the most healthy option. 

    On the other hand, hemp clothing provides durability, breathability, and biodegradability, making it much less demanding on our planet’s resources compared to traditional cotton and avoiding the environmental damage linked with synthetic fibers. 

    Creating and Building with Hemp

    Hemp ropes and twines are not only ideal for crafting jewelry or durable ropes for outdoor adventures, but this versatile material also extends into sustainable home building. Hempcrete, crafted from the woody core of the hemp plant, stands out as a superb construction material. It is carbon-negative, energy-efficient, and boasts exceptional insulation properties. Incorporating hempcrete into building projects can drastically lower a structure’s carbon footprint and enhance natural humidity control, reducing reliance on natural gas for heating and electricity for cooling.

    Beyond CBD: Harnessing all Hemp Uses

    Hemp demonstrates its profound versatility and sustainability across various sectors, from health supplements to construction materials. Diving deeper into the diverse applications of this plant, from the nutritious benefits of hemp milk to the structural advantages of hempcrete, it becomes evident that hemp is much more than just a source for CBD. By embracing hemp in our daily choices, whether through the clothes we wear, the supplements we consume, or the materials we use to build our homes, we make significant strides toward a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Hemp is not merely an alternative; it is a testament to the power of natural resources in driving forward a healthier, greener planet.

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    How a Hero Healed with Hemp

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    CEO | Craig Henderson

    Extract Labs CEO Craig Henderson is one of the country’s top experts in cannabis CO2 extraction. After serving in the U.S. Army, Henderson received his master’s in mechanical engineering from the University of Louisville before becoming a sales engineer at one of the nation’s leading extraction technology companies. Sensing an opportunity, Henderson began extracting CBD in his garage in 2016, putting him at the forefront of the hemp movement. He’s been featured in Rolling StoneMilitary TimesThe Today Show, High Times, the Inc. 5000 list of fastest-growing companies, and many more. 

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    Owning and operating every aspect of the manufacturing process from plant to product sets us apart from other CBD companies. We’re not only a brand, we’re also a full scale processor of hemp products shipping worldwide from Lafayette Colorado USA.

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